Cross-country skiing tracks

SKIREGION also offers you maintained cross-country ski trails and loops. It is included in the system “Krkonoš – lyžařský běžecký ráj [cross-country skiing paradise]”, which connects all mountain centers with over 500 km of maintained trails.
The loops are not difficult and may be used by less skilled cross-country skiers. Trails suitable for those more proficient include the Paseky loops through Studenov to Dvoračky, or they may take the chair lift up onto Lysá Mountain. Not far from it is the marked “Krkonoš Ski Route”, which transects the entire Krkonoš Mountains. It leads past the memorial to skiers Haneč and Vrbata and onto Horní Mísečky.
You may fully enjoy lovely experiences while cross-country skiing as well as attractive panoramic views of the mountains and countryside in the center and nearby surroundings of the SKIREGION. See you next time on the white trails.

Cross-country skiing tracks - Rokytnice nad Jizerou, Paseky nad Jizerou, Harrachov

Cross-country skiing tracks "U Kapličky" found in centre of Rokytnice nad Jizerou between Lower and Upper squares.

Cross-country skiing tracks "Pod Dvoračkama"

Cross-country skiing tracks Paseky nad Jizerou - Štěpánka.